Articles & Devotionals

Articles & Devotionals

The Busyness of the Day

Did you see it?  For most of us it happened so fast that we may not have noticed it.  I’m talking about those brief moments when all the virus stuff changed our daily routines.  In those first few days of our “stay at home” life our schedules were empty.  No school, no going to work, no rushing to take the kids to practice or rehearsal, no busyness.  Then little by little our lives began to fill up again.  Zoom calls, online school, Zoom calls, house projects and the list kept growing.    Now I fully understand that we were created with the ability/drive to work and be engaged in activity.  But my question is this, “Did we miss the moment to be still and know that He is God?”

Someone once said that one of Satan’s greatest tools against us is not just temptation but distraction.  He uses our busyness to get us off track and steal our time.  We focus so much on our busyness that God can get pushed to the margins.  And the real danger is that we may not even realize it. 

For a moment take a personal inventory of your life over the past week.  How much time have you spent on Netflix or the like?  How much time have you spent playing video games?  How much time have you spent on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat?  How much time have you spent on those house projects?  Now for the real question, how much time have you spent with God?

I say all of this because I’m first talking to myself.  I’ve gotten busy with a lot of things lately and yet there are days when I wonder what I’ve accomplished. I am also not trying to make anyone feel guilty about what they have or haven’t done in these new Covid-19 routines.  So many people are giving their all to help and support others in this pandemic.  I just want us to realize that Satan hasn’t stopped working and he will use everything at his disposal to drawn us away from our loving Father.  A.W. Tozer gave this thought.  “So easily we fall victim to busyness. But with whose business are we busy? Is it distracting us from simply sitting at Christ's feet?”

So as we consider our busyness think upon the words of some of the Psalms.


Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"


Psalm 130:5 “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;”


Psalm 145:5 “On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.”


Psalm 119:15-16 “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.  (16)  I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.”

I’ll conclude with a challenge.  If you have found that your busyness leaves you with little time for God, then change up today.  Set aside 2 hours to spend with God (yes, I said 2 hours).  Let your first hour be just you and God.  Read His word, talk with Him and tell Him about your day.  Let your second hour be engaging in a study with other saints. We have a Bible class on Prayer tonight at 7pm and a Bible class on Worship at 7:45pm.  So, are you up to the challenge or will you say I just don’t have the time?  I think you will find it was time well spent.